Monday, December 1, 2008

Now you all know!

We finally shared the news with our immediate families the weekend of November 7-9.
First on the Friday night, we told a little fib to my mom saying we were coming up to Milwaukee for the weekend for a party our friends' were having on Saturday night. Of course, there was no party! We drove up to Milwaukee on Friday night and went out for a fish fry. We ordered quickly, and as soon as the waitress walked away, I said: "We were going to wait until next weekend to talk to you about this...We're pregnant!" She was very excited, and even said she thought 'what if' we were pregnant on her walk home from work that day, for no real reason!
Saturday morning, my mom took me shopping at Kohl's for my first maternity outfit, which I will probably wear for Christmas as I should be showing by then. After that we headed back to Illinois to see Tim's dad for his sister Taylor's birthday. Not long after we got there and we got everyone in the same room (Dad, Kirsten, Taylor and Grandma/Grandpa), Tim said there was a picture he wanted them to see, and pulled out the picture of our first sonogram!
Sunday afternoon, we went over to Tim's mom's house - saying we were going over to watch the Bears game. And again, not long after we got there, and Tim's mom, John and Uncle Ed were in the same room - Tim said he had a picture to show them. We also talked to Grandma Kathy and Uncle Mike on the phone while there and John's kids came over later so they heard the news too.
It was a very tiring weekend. I was so worn out from talking about it, yet I couldn't stop talking about it! It was such a big relief to finally share the news with others. We were originally going to wait until our Anniversary Party this weekend, but just couldn't wait anymore.
We also have told our bosses and coworkers. Our friends will get the annoucement this weekend at the Anniversary Party when we see them in person. Everyone else, has or will hear by word of mouth!

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