Wednesday, December 30, 2009

Addison - the 7-Month Old!

December 27, 2009
For some reason, Addison being 7-months old sounds so much older than 6-months old. Perhaps that in this second half of her first year, big changes are coming down the pike. Let's take a look at her lifestyle!

Her eating habits are perhaps the biggest change that I feel because, well, I used to be her only source of food! Here's her eating schedule:
7am - Nurses for 10-20 minutes before Mommy goes to work
8:30am - Cereal
10am - Bottle of formula/breastmilk then nap
12pm - Jar of fruit/veggie
1pm - Bottle of formula/breastmilk then nap
3:30pm - Bottle of formula/breastmilk
6pm - Cereal and Fruit/Veggie
8pm - Nurses at bedtime
**Usually wakes sometime between 12am-2am to nurse, and sometimes even again at 4am**

The foods that she now eats are: rice cereal, bananas, apples, carrots and sweet potatoes. Next up - pears!

As you can see above, she is in a very good routine which began in the few weeks before I went back to work in November.
10am nap lasts about an hour
1pm nap lasts almost two hours, but sometimes up to three hours!
8pm bedtime is sometime as early as 7:15pm based on how she is acting. She shows signs of tiredness with redness around her eyes and resting her head on our chest and shoulders when we hold her. In the past two weeks she has begun the classic rubbing of the eyes!

Her bedtime routine includes changing her diaper and getting her into her pj's and sleepsack. Then I sit with her in the rocker and read her a short story, which is when her sleepiness really sets in and she begins to get cranky. So, then I nurse her for as long as she needs - which can be up to 30-minutes.

As I also mentioned above, she usually wakes at least once a night just to nurse, which did not bother me since it would only be fore 10-15min and I could fall back asleep while nursing her securely in bed, then when I would wake up, I would simply put her back in the crib. However; in the past couple weeks she has begun to wake a few times a night - and not to nurse. She just wants to hang out. I did read an article about nighttime separation anxiety. Separation Anxiety is supposed to kick in around 7 months, so perhaps she is beginning with the nighttime variety. But it is very frustrating for Tim and I as we are both working now and have been booked solid for the past 8 weekends so that has left us little recovery time from being awoken 3-4 times a night. We may attempt another round of sleep training, to at least minimize the number of times she wakes up. We'll see about that.

Addison still very much enjoys her Jumperoo and it is a part of her daily activity. Especially during dinner time so Mommy & Daddy can eat! She is also sitting up better and better on her own. We typically have the Boppy pillow as support around her in case she tips to one side or the other, but sometimes she is rolling back and forth so much - we take it away so she can roll around easier. For Christmas she received some stationary entertainers, including a LeapFrog keyboard as well as a couple similar items. So she enjoys sitting and looking at them. We usually need to do most of the button pushing to make things happen, but she has her few known functions on them that she knows how to do that gets a reaction.
She enjoys "grown-up" items such as a remote control and cell phones, of course. So she now has her very own real remote control and cell phone - neither which work, but entertain her nonetheless.
Anything and everything goes into her mouth - so what they say is true!!! But we take it as a sign of her really liking something!
All in all, when she is playing she is a very happy baby. Squeals and screams of delight, with happy baby babbling throughout. She enjoys being tickled and her belly "eaten" - she will grab onto our glasses and hair and laugh away! Some very special and fun moments for us all.

Friday, December 4, 2009

Addison's 6-Month Check-Up

Thursday, December 3
Addison had her 6-Month check-up yesterday. Let's take a look at her stats!

27" 90th Percentile
15lbs. 10oz. 50th Percentile
Head Size
16 5/8" 40th Percentile

Addison remains tall and thin. She is filling out a little as her weight was only in the 40th percentile at her 4-month check-up. Her head size has certainly gained some ground, since she has been only in the 10th percentile in head size up until now.
We will begin to feed her solids in addition to rice cereal that she has been eating for the past two months. Starting this weekend, we will be feeding her bananas (baby food version of course!). The doctor recommends introducing a new "flavor" to her every four days or so to give time for any allergies to appear - and also to get her used to the new flavors!
Addison received her third round of shots: Diphtheria, Tetanus & Pertussis and Hepititus/Hib as well as her first flu shot. She will go in for a booster flu shot in one month!
Otherwise, Addison is in good health and is growing well!
Her next appointment is her 9-month check-up!