Tuesday, December 2, 2008

How It All Began...

Early September
The believed conception date is the first week of September. Don't think too much of it, folks - you don't really want your mind wandering there ; )
Of course, this was a mystery to me until weeks later.
When I found out I was pregnant, but before I went to the doctor - everything I read online asked for my last period date in estimating my due date. Since I had been like clockwork since going off the pill in the spring, I wasn't really keeping track since it would just always happen when it was supposed to. Also, Tim and I weren't necessarily *trying to conceive, so I wasn't being suspicious.
I knew I had a period in mid-August marked in my calendar, so I figured from that date my last period must have been around September 13th. While I couldn't actually remember the date, I did remember the "period."
It was very short, only 3-4 days long. There were no cramps and very light. But again, I didn't really think much of it at the time - just that I got a break!
But according to my due date that was figured out at my first doctor's appt, this "period" was most likely implantation bleeding, which about 20% of women experience several days after conception.

Early October
October 4 - we had a Game Night at Tim's mom's. For no reason, unless on another level - I didn't want to drink that night. I drank water for the entire night! Again, little did I know! Another "sign" was that when we got home, I had extremely bad heartburn that just wouldn't go away.
The next day, all I could eat was toast. Nothing else sounded good. At the time, I blamed it on my heartburn from the night before - but of course now I see that it was my first run-in with morning sickness!
October 6 - that Monday, I woke up and went into the kitchen to get my cup of coffee like I did every morning. But I took one whiff of that coffee and uh-uh, no way. I even tried to take a sip or two and nearly threw up. I haven't had a sip of coffee since that morning!
But that wasn't the end of it. When I got to work, I was lethargic and just felt icky all day. My yogurt for lunch made me gag and I had the chills - it didn't get better all day. The weirdest thing is that I never actually threw up. And in my life, if I feel nauseous, I throw up instantly. But not this day. On the way home I called my mom to whine, and the next day I emailed Katie about not feeling well and they both commented that maybe I was pregnant :) My response "No. No way am I pregnant."
But then that got me thinking...

October 11
I was still in disbelief that I could be pregnant, but it was getting harder not to think of it. But I held true that I did have a period in September and figured that my next period would be October 11. That entire week leading up to the 11th, I felt nothing. I didn't feel any PMS symptoms. Then October 11 came and went, with nothing. So then I really started to believe. But just in case I was wrong, I didn't want to drop the bomb on Tim if nothing came of it - and it was still hard for me to admit to myself! But of course curiousity sunk in and everyday on lunch I found myself googling pregnancy :)

October 18
I decided to wait until Tim went to Northern Illinois University's homecoming in DeKalb for the day with his friends. I volunteered at the Humane Society in the morning and on my way home, picked up a pregnancy test. There were 3 tests in the box, and I took one as soon as I got home. Before I even finished reading the instructions, a very clear "+" sign appeared. It absolutely took my breathaway. While I wasn't quite in disbelief, I certainly felt like I was living in a dream. I took the remaining two tests throughout the afternoon, and to get it to sink in I actually "told" the cats I was pregnant. Just to hear myself say it.
Tim came home around 9pm, but his friends came in with him. So I had sit patiently until they went home for the night, and basically pounced on Tim. I told him I needed to talk to him about something important. And just blurted out, "I'm pregnant."
His response? "No you're not..." in disbelief.
Then I went to get the 3 VERY positive pregnancy tests and showed him. He got up and gave me a big hug that seemed to last forever, telling me how happy he was and how great of a thing this is!


MyMuse said...

oh my gosh, I'm like laughing and tearing up at the same time reading this, and I'm not the one with crazy pregnancy hormones! It is amazing how the news just instantly brings you together doesn't it?! No matter what you were fighting about or going through at the time, your whole world just stops and changes direction and purpose and it is such a beautiful thing to experience. You think you are truly bonded when you get married, but you'll see how that changes once the baby comes! This blog is an awesome idea and I can't wait to read your updates :)

Miss Organizized said...

I HAD to include this as part of your blog...for a sense of officialness!

Email 10/7 Monica:
"A girl at work said she felt like this for a couple days last week- and nothing ever came of it, she was just nauseous for a couple days? so makes me feel a little better that maybe it's just a bug and NOT 'morning sickness' as chelsea and my mother suggested so don't even think it :)"

Email 10/7 Katie:
"But anyway, as for sickiness...NOT cool about your bleh nausea!!! Obviously morning sickness occurred to me, but if it's lasting all day, that seems different. And if you get "better" this week, it was probably just a mild stomach bug! Hopefully you'll feel better soon!!"

HA! I know a lot of couples are unprepared when they get pregnant and it seems like it would be the LAST thing you'd want to happen when money is tight. BUT! When it DOES happen, it's like a switch goes off and it's like the best thing in the world. Especially when Silly Baby is finally born!

Oh and I SECOND Tina's response about bringing you guys together :) It was adorable seeing you guys extra cuddly when we visited!!!

Monica O'Neill said...

Yea Tina, I think it's fun that you & Lorie were just pregnant last year! Of course you two were old pros with your 2nd & 3rd babies - but still fun that I was so close to you gals during your pregnancies. I have a lot to compare too!

Monica O'Neill said...

Haha, Ohhh Katie! Glad you included those emails. Good times. Oh, silly Monica all in denial! It was just one of those things where it crossed my mind, but then I would just think "No, way - that's crazy talk!" So I would say stuff like that to you to calm myself down :)