Tuesday, April 28, 2009

Silly Baby Chicago Shower! THANK YOU!

Saturday, April 25
Angelo's Restaurant
Elmhurst, IL

Hosted/Planned By:
"Grandma" Laura Giacomino
"Great Aunt" Mindy LeVar
"Great Grandma" Kathy Connors
"Great Great Aunt" Donna Doyle

Our second and final Silly Baby Shower was held this past Saturday in downtown Elmhurst. It was so much fun and a great success! Tim and I are very lucky to have such wonderful family and friends who not only host these celebrations for us, but do SUCH a terrific job!!!
Tim and I would like to sincerely thank our hosts for this wonderful event!

Mom G,
Thank you for hosting and planning this shower for us. The invitations were perfect for our Silly Baby theme, the cupcakes were delicious and the favors (potted flowers) are lovely - mine are blossoming as I type this! The lullaby game was great and I will be spending a lot of time on Google the next few weeks taking a crash course on lullabies! (Tim & I only guessed 5 correctly. Whoops!)

Aunt Mindy,
Thank you so much for coming to town for the Shower and for all your great games! Tim is still grossed out by the baby food guessing game, we are both still freaked out by the "Tim & Monica baby faces" game and I learned I need to change a baby much quicker in the dark and Tim needs to learn how to be a tad gentler when changing the baby.

Grandma Kathy & Aunt Donna,
Thank you for travelling across the country to come to our Silly Baby shower and your help! It was great to see you ladies again. We hope your trip was worthwhile!

We got even more great gifts at this shower and now pretty much have everything we need to welcome Silly Baby in the world in just a matter of weeks! We received our remaining *big* gifts - high chair and bedding and also the rest of our nursery decor. So Silly Baby's monkey/safari-themed nursery is complete!
We never realized how many crafty people we know until these showers. We received several handmade, adorable blankets for Silly Baby! Handmade gifts are priceless and we are so grateful to be surrounded by such creative people!
Thank you to everyone who came to the shower and celebrated Silly Baby's impending arrival with us. We are in the home stretch now and because of your generosity, we are well-prepared for the journey that is upon us.

My nesting urge has kicked into full gear as I've been busy washing all of the new blankets, clothes and bedding we've received. We are continuing to find the best organization for the nursery and making the best of the space we have.
Once the nursery is complete, I will be posting yet another slide show on this blog for everyone to see the progression since the room was painted.

I will also be posting pictures from the Chicago Silly Baby Shower sometime this week. If you have any pictures you can share, please email them to me at monicaoneill@sbcglobal.net.

Thank you everyone!


Miss Organizized said...

I also had a blast at the Chicago shower!! MY thanks to all of the party planners too :) My plant is really exploding on my windowsill right now, I like it!!!

I also really liked HELPING you nest after the shower!! Like I said, I wish we lived closer so I could help you with other stuff :)

PS This made me guffaw: "Tim needs to learn how to be a tad gentler when changing the baby." BWAH!!

Monica O'Neill said...

Yea, it would be really nice to have you (or any of you gals) closer. Especially with Tim having his "Dad-bachelor Party" in a couple weeks, I wish I could have a "Mom-bachelorette Party" before Silly Baby's here!