Thursday, August 6, 2009

My Motherhood "Never Thought I'd..." Top 10 List

I have been a Mother for over 10 weeks now, so I thought it was a good time to reflect on the things I have done, the situations I have been in and the new reality of what my life has become. So with that, I bring you my

"Top Ten Things I Never Thought I'd Do Before I Became A Mother"
(in no particular order)

1. I narrate my shower activities to keep Addison company, while she is in her bouncer in the bathroom with me.

2. I get spit-up on me several times a day and don't bother cleaning up since I know it's just gonna happen again when I least expect it.

3. I spend hours a day with bare breasts all around the condo and think nothing of it.
4. I wear cloth diapers in my tops to absorb all the leaking.

5. I breastfed in a Brookfield Zoo's bathroom handicap stall, sitting on a toilet.

6. I sing the National Anthem and other patriotic tunes to Addison since my repetoire of lullabies is lacking.

7. I blast static non-channels on my car radio while driving around with a crying Addison, and it doesn't phase me one bit.

8. I am obsessed with cleaning out eye goo.

9. I walk around the neighborhood, Target, Dominicks, etc. speaking "Motherese".

10. I have never been this excited and proud to make someone smile. :)


MyMuse said...

haha! so true!!!

Miss Organizized said...

this is amazing!! such an incredible list in so many different ways!! I guess you just really don't know how different, unusual, wonderful your life will be until you have a baby. maybe I'll know one day, but for now, it's nice watching it through your eyes!!