Thursday, August 20, 2009

Addison - 12 weeks old!

Addison is now 12-weeks old!
And as she continues to whine next to me on the couch, I am going to detail out how she's been doing!

Yes, for the most part she is sleeping through the night now. Her routine, at least during the week, is going to bed with Daddy between 9pm-10pm. Sometimes she fusses for a bit, but usually is sleeping on Daddy by 10pm.
Depending on when her last feeding was, she may wake up between 11pm-2am for a quick feeding, but then continues to sleep until 5am-7am.
At that point she stays up for an hour or so and then we fall back asleep (with my coaxing!) until sometimes as late as 10:30am!

The hour-long feeding sessions do still occur; however with much less frequency. Typical feedings now are between 30-45min and while sometimes can be only 2hrs apart; for the most part are about 4hrs apart. Sometimes she has even gone as long as 7hrs between a feeding!

The 'Ol #2
Addison usually had a dirty diaper once or twice a day. However, a couple weeks ago - all of a sudden she went nearly 4 days without a movement and when she did finally go - it was quite the explosion (just ask Auntie Michelle!!). This trend continued until just the other day where she actually went twice that same day!
During the 4-day span I talked to her pediatrician who was not concerned and says that it's normal. But just to be proactive, I increased the amount of fiber in my diet :)


MyMuse said...

i can't believe she is 4 months old alresdy!! We had so much trouble with Ethan and constipation. There are little things you can do, like you said increasing the fiber in your diet. Usually dietary changes are the cause of stuff like that. When it would get bad with ethan we'd put a teaspoon or so of light karo syrup (his dr. at the time gave us that little tip) in his bottles (which tastes awesome for the baby!) and it worked like a charm! Just wait until you encounter toddler poop ;) Ew.

Miss Organizized said...

FUN WITH POO!!! Man Tina, if I have a kid, I'll have both you AND Monica to go to with all these fun little tips!!