Friday, May 8, 2009

Week #36: The 10th Dr.'s Appt

Friday, May 8

Today was my first internal exam to check my progress - ripening and dialating. I am 1cm dialated, so that's good to hear I am making progress!
After not gaining any weight for about a week or so (last week), this week I have gained 4lbs!!!! I don't think I can blame that all on Silly Baby, even though I know s/he's packing on the baby fat too as my belly is getting huge!
This week was the first week that I've had trouble sleeping for physical reasons. Prior to this, I would wake up once or twice to go to the bathroom but my only sleep disruption would be the inevitable heartburn in the middle of the night. The heartburn has been tamed, thankfully, and I can manage it by taking a Pepcid AC before I go to bed and keeping TUMS on my nightstand in case it wakes me up.
But earlier this week, the lower back pain started. I move between a variety of positions - pillow between my knees, throw pillow under my belly, pillow behind my back, etc. It's not unbearable, just a little uncomfortable.

That's it for now!

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