Wednesday, November 18, 2009

Addison's New Life

Mommy Got a Job!
After enjoying nearly six months of being a stay-at-home Mom, but agonizing over my seemingly endless job search - alas, my job search and life as a housewife has come to an end. This is a big change for me, with a lot of adjustments to my schedule. I've worked full-time for six years, so it's been like riding a bike! However, the hours before and after work have been very different. I've added an extra hour to my morning routine to give Addison the opportunity to nurse; as well as enjoy some Mommy time with her and get her packed up for the day.
Addison is now spending her days between the hours of 9 to 5 with her Auntie Lorie and cousins Isabella, Nicolas and Bianca. Second only to Tim or I being home with her, this is really the best arrangement we could dream of! Lorie is a very experienced mother with three children between the ages of 18mos and 5yrs! I am familiar with her parenting, so feel secure knowing that Addison is in great hands.
Addison is also fortunate to spend her days playing and watching her cousins play - which is something she did not get at home! They have plenty of toys for Addison to play with so she is certainly entertained in her time there.
My first two days back at work, Tim stayed home with Addison - which was a really great transition in getting her used to being away from me and then being away from home too. Today, Wednesday, was Addison's first day with Lorie and it went very well! She ate a bunch and stuck to her morning and afternoon nap routine that we've established over the past few weeks. She enjoyed watching her cousins play and they no longer startled her like they used to when she was younger.

We are so fortunate to have family available and willing to take care of Addison. We hope she continues to be a good girl for her Auntie and Cousins!!


1 comment:

Miss Organizized said...

Awww this is FAB!! I'm so happy Lorie is able to help as well! And she's a GREAT GREAT mom!!!! So she is definitely the next best thing to you and Tim. Hopefully things continue to go smoothly and all will feel natural for you both :)