Wednesday, July 1, 2009

Addison's 1-Month Doctor's Appointment

Tuesday, June 30

Addison had her One Month Dr.'s Appointment this week and all checked out well!

Weight: 8lbs. 13oz.
That is a weight gain of 1lb. 13oz. since birth. She is in the 50th percentile for weight.
She feeds about every 2-3 hours usually, the doctor says that's ok but of course that's pretty tiring on my body! So he recommended really trying to spread out her feedings to every 4hrs. So when she starts fussing, we should try to distract her with walks, swings, pacifier, etc. I'm all for that!!!!

Height: 21 3/8"
That is growth of just over an inch! That puts her in the 60th percentile for height!

Head Size: 25th percentile

So to sum up, she's average weight, but one the tall side - so tall and slim with a small head :) The doctor also noted she's got a small little butt too and joked that she won't be able to wear pants until she plumps up down there! If she's got any of my genes in her, that won't be a problem!! Haha!

Her next appointment is on July 30 and she will get her first round of vaccinations!


MyMuse said...

wow, she's gettimg so big! I'm glad to hear she is healthy and strong. I'm surprised your pediatrician suggested feeding every 4 hours...ours have always supported feeding as often as the baby wants to, even if that means every two hours! I guess that's why my kids were so big as babies; they were always off the charts in height and weight!

Monica O'Neill said...

Oh...he doesn't mean to *starve* her, but just that she doesn't HAVE to eat every if she's fussing after 2hrs, instead of just whipping out the boob for her right away, try other ways to soothe her - the swing, a walk, etc. and if those don't work, then of course give her the booby :)

Kathy Y said...

I remember a doctor telling me that with Cynthia about middle of the night feedings. The first night I thought that he was sound asleep in his bed with his kid at Madison and I was up listening to a crying baby so I nursed her and we were all happy.