Monday, February 16, 2009

WEEK #24: The 5th Dr.'s Appt!

February 6
This was our 5th Doctor's Appointment.
This one was not as exciting as the Week #20 appointment with the ultrasound and all that. Tim came with me again.
In this appointment, they measured the length of my uterus - it measured at 24cm long. That was quite a "whoa" moment for me. Since a uterus starts as the size of a fist, that is amazing to me! I think it's because we always focus on how big the baby is getting in my belly, I forgot to think that my uterus is growing even more!
We listened to Silly Baby's heartbeat again - it's getting a lot stronger. I read that this week Tim can maybe hear it in my belly! Silly Baby's heart rate was 140. And for all of you old wives' tales followers - that puts Silly Baby right between a boy and a girl! Myth says a girl's heart rate is 140 or above and a boys is below 140. So s/he's keeping it a good mystery for us!
My next doctor's appointment will be March 6. I will be taking the glucose tolerance test, so it'll be a long appointment. That check-up will also be my last in the Second Trimester, as my Third Trimester begins just two days later!

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