Friday, March 4, 2011

Addison - the 21 Month Old

Referring to Addison by months is starting to seem silly. 21 months? We are so close to the 2-year mark, it's crazy! But what makes it not so hard to believe that Addison will soon be a 2 year-old, is how much she has become a child, no longer a baby.
Let's take a tour of Addison's 21st month!

"Night-Night Here"Not much has changed with Addison's sleeping habits in the past month. She still comes to bed with us in the middle of the night, but not as frequently as last month - which is a welcome change for Mommy & Daddy! She has been watching both "Monsters, Inc" and drum corps again with no nightmares so perhaps that was not the culprit.
One of her favorite games is "night-night here." It started a few months ago as a game in our bed where she would pretend to sleep (and tell us to pretend to sleep too) and then jump up and say "boo!" But now it has morphed into just bopping around on our bed. She "hides" under the blanket (and of course tells us to hide under the blanket too).
Sadly, she has been moving away from storytime some nights in the last few weeks, to just expending all her energy running around right up to bedtime - and then wanting to climb right into her crib (with multiple pacis, of course!). I hope that this is just a phase, as I do enjoy reading her stories.

Potty Training
I think it is time to actually start potty training Addison. We have been very fortunate that Addison took an interest in the toilet on her own, and with only little prompting from us has successfully gone potty about once a week. She has even gone poopy almost a dozen times! It's also becoming very obvious when Addison is or is ready for pooping. She now stops when she is doing and, well,  you know! But I think this will make it very easy for us to communicate with her. She knows all the words and all the actions that go along with it. But now that she is 21 months, I think it is time for us to make going on the potty more of a routine thing, so she understands it's not something she does just when she feels like it, or thinks of it or we ask her to.
She has worn pull-ups several times. The first time, she wanted to take them off right away, so I thought we'd have issues, but since then she has taken to them quite well, probably because they have the Disney princesses on them!

Addie Quirks
Addison certainly likes things a certain way and has her favorite things. I thought I'd create a section in this blog entry dedicated to just that topic. Here's a snapshot of how silly our little lady is!
  • While we change her diaper/clothes in the morning and night, she loves to sprint out of her room and dash around the entire upstairs in hopes we try to grab her - to which she squeals in delight!
  • When either Mommy or Daddy put her to sleep at night, she demands kisses on each of her cheeks, then requests the other parent to come in and say good night to her too.
  • Everything in two's! She has to have two monkeys, two paci's, two piggies, two mickeys, etc etc etc. When we count, she doesn't start counting until the #2. Her current counting structure is "2, 3, 6, 8, 9" :)  I'm seriously curious if there is some diagnosed *quirk* of the obsession of the #2!
  • Everything also has to be in too's! "Running too", "Eat too", "Cook too", etc etc etc. She gets VERY upset when we try to get her to do something on her own, or we don't "too" whatever she is demanding. Yikes!
  • Mommy & Daddy can't sing! We don't have good voices, I give her that. But whenever we sing along to the radio in the car or at home, she yells "STOP IT!" Ha!
  • The girl loves brushing her teeth. She's not very good at it, but she brushes her teeth about 4x a day.
As usual, I know I'm not thinking of all her quirks right now - but she's a very quirky lil girl.

We can't wait for the weather to get warmer, so we can get out more. Cabin fever! Check back next month for more Addie updates!

1 comment:

Gramma Simon said...

She is really getting to love WALKS...of course I think Gramma spoiled her last week with that activity....I think the fresh air really makes her take a great least the couple of days I was there!!