Friday, August 6, 2010

Addison-the 14th Month Old

Our Little Girl is Growing Up
Addison is becoming more and more a little person. She is fine-tuning her motor skills, being more verbal and communicating her feelings and needs/wants much better.

Walking, Running, Dancing
Addison has left her walkers behind with her days of crawling. She now walks everywhere with ease, only pausing or falling down when she attempts running or stairs/curbs. She can crawl all the way up a flight of stairs and move up and down a few stairs easily - however, always under our watchful eye!
The best thing about Addison walking - is when we crouch down with our arms out asking for a hug and she runs down the hallway - giving us a big bear hug and kiss. I look forward to many years of this :)
Addison is certainly a white girl. Her only dance moves are bobbing her head with her mouth open and stiffly waving her arms. But it is adorably hilarious all the same.
Some of her favorite songs are: "OMG" Usher; "California Gurls" Katy Perry; "Bad Romance" Lady Gaga

Addison clearly says things like "Up"; "That"; "Na-Na-Na" (No); "Nana" (Banana); "Nye Nye" (Night Night). It seems like she is on the verge of one day just saying 10 different words. She understands when we say it's time to go to bed, time to get dressed, when we ask if she's done or wants to be picked up and much more.

Addison's favorite *toy this month has been books, which is a habit we adore! Her favorite books are "So Big"; "Guess How Much I Love You"; "My First Bible" and a Baby Einstein lift-tab word book. We are encouraging this fun pasttime as much as we can. Tim and I both loved books as children and hope that Addison grows up to be an avid reader.
She enjoys simply sitting in her Addison chair and flipping through books all on her own.

Overall, Addison is a good girl. She has her moments and certain things that make her bratty and throw toddler tantrums. We are trying to minimize her paci usage and that is often times the cause of her tantrums. That, and of course when bedtime sneaks up on her while she's playing and doesn't want to stop - but it also very tired.
We can't wait to see what fun awaits us just around the corner!


MyMuse said...

aw, yay! She is such abig girl now! I love that she loves books; keep encouraging that. That's how Ethan was/is and now he is an amazing reader!.

Monica O'Neill said...

Yea! Hopefully she'll be a great reader. Tim & I were as kids, but I think it was also easier back then 'cuz we only had 6 channels and cartoons were only on for like an hour a day AND we only had Atari on a black & white TV!!! So yea, much easier to get kids to read in our day ;)

Kathy said...

She will read because she will see that you value it. Kelly wants to read everything. She was in book club for 5th grade. Kathlynn, Edward and Jason all read and play their DS. Maggie loves to sit and read. I still remember your sister wondering why Andrea wanted to read a book instead of playing with her.

Grandma Simon said...

If she is like her Mommy she will love to read books.......and that's a good thing!! Gramma likes to read now that I have time....and Grampa really LOVED to read!! she should come by it naturally!!