Tuesday, June 1, 2010

Addison - the 1 Year Old!

No longer a Silly Baby.
Addison has officially entered Toddler-hood! It's amazing how I can still remember a time before I was even pregnant with Addison, and now she is one year old! Her 1st birthday weekend could not have been better - so many wonderful events and memories made.

Let's take a look at Addison's 1 Year doctor's check-up and her lifestyle in this 12th month.

1-Year Check Up
Height 30 1/2" - 90th Percentile
Weight 21lbs 2oz - upper 50th Percentile
Head Size - 17 5/8" - 50th Percentile

This time, Addison got 3 shots in her arm (previously her leg). She sat in my lap and the shot startled her and then a moment later she burst into tears which lasted until a few minutes after it was over. But, then the nurse forgot she had to also prick Addison's finger for anemia testing - by then Addie was quite squirmy so it was difficult and very heartbreaking since Addie was sobbing.
The shots she received were: MMR #1, Varivax, TB Mantoux, ASQ
Overall, Addison checked out well and Dr. Michael gave her clearance to begin drinking cow's milk as well as all foods now (within reason). Addison rejected the first 3 bottles of milk we gave her, but once we warmed it up, she would drink a couple ounces. But by Sunday she was drinking full bottles of milk!

Swim classes ended on May 22, and Addison came a long way! She's quite the kicker and really enjoys playing in the water. Our outdoor condo pool opened up this past weekend, so on Sunday we took her out in her new inner tube (birthday present from Grandma Simon) and floated around the pool for a bit. After 20min or so, she got restless so we took her out and she was kicking all around the pool, even more than she ever did in swim class, so I guess those swim lessons really paid off!

Baby Steps
Addison has been cruising and crawling  all over the place lately. She advanced to standing on her own for several seconds to even standing unassisted while clapping or grabbing something. She has been using her push walkers constantly and walks very quickly and in laps throughout the condo. For the past week, we've been trying to set her up to take her first alone steps - but she would get nervous and immediately drop to the ground. Then finally - on Monday, May 31 (her due date) Addison took her first step!!! Actually it was two steps- unknowingly. Since then she has taken a step 3 separate times. Soon, we will have a walking Addie!


Miss Organizized said...

HOORAY!!!!! First step!!!!!!! She is such a good little girl...as I said in my card, you guys should be so proud. You've been SUCH great amazing parents this past year. I dare say as perfect as you can get ;)

Monica O'Neill said...

Yea, we were SO excited! Isabella & Nicolas both took their first step on their 1st birthday, so we were waiting for Addie to do the same. But she was just SO scared! When she finally did, I don't even think she knew it happened! Since she cruises so much, and stands alone so often - she didn't realize she combined them both!
And thank you for the compliment. We are far from perfect, I'm sure. But I don't think there really is a "perfect parent". Ones who think they are, are probably worse than ones who realize their mistakes! But we have made Addison our top priority every day in this past year (and longer!) and strive to make every moment with her fun and a bonding experience. Of course there's times where she's snarfy and drives us insane - or we're wiped out so not as animated and interactive with her as we'd like to be - but for the most part, we do our best and I'm happy with that!

Grandma Simon said...

Her first steps!!! Hooray Addie!! Can't wait to see her this weekend. She is growing so fast. She is lucky to have such loving parents!