Monday, March 1, 2010

Addison - the 9 month old!

Addison has officially been *out* of me for as long as she was *in* me! Even though her name changed from Silly Baby to Addison Grace, she is still very much a Silly Baby! So let's take a look at her progress in her 9 month!

9-Month Check-Up
28 1/2" - 90th Percentile

19 1/2" - 50th Percentile

Head Size
17 1/2" - 50th Percentile

Addison received the first round of H1N1 vaccination and will receive her second dose in a month. The rest of her check-up went well.


Last week, I decided that Addison officially said "mama." It went from just being a noise she made to being what she would say when she is nursing, or wants me to pick her up, or I walk in a room, or walk her away from her. She does, however, still say "mama" sometimes when in context it does not make sense for it means "mama." In those instances, I think she is saying "more", especially when it involves eating. Which is another good achievement since we have been working on teaching her that word, both by repeating it and using the sign language motion for it when we are feeding her.
Addison may also be trying to say "kitty." Although it will take awhile for her to actually be able to say it. But it is a word we say a lot - every time the cats are nearby we say "look at the kitty!" or "what's that kitty doing?" So she certainly has heard it enough. When the cats do get close to her, she sounds like she is trying to make the *k* sound. Yes, it is probably mostly Mommy reading into it - but hey, it's fun!...And maybe I'm right :0)


If Addison's height and weight growth are any indication, she is quite an eater! She has now been introduced to Gerber's full line of fruits and vegetables. She really enjoys Gerber Graduates puffs, so we always have them on hand for her to feed herself during meal times. We also give her her own spoon during meal times for her to entertain herself. And, as you can see from the picture, she really does enjoy it - and cute faces like this make it fun for us too!
Now that she has passed the 9-month mark, we will begin feeding her some table foods and the meaty versions of those Gerber foods.

Crawling, Kneeling, Standing

Just one month ago, Addison was rolling all over the place. However, now that she is much better at just sitting right back up after she tips over (and she tips over less often), she doesn't need to roll to get herself back into position. But even more important than that - Addison has learned to crawl!
In just one month's time, Addison mastered the art of the "army crawl" where she would kick her legs out while pulling with her arms. Every once in awhile, she would get up in crawling position, and rock but most of the time one of her legs were still tucked under her from being in the sitting position.
But then early last week over at Auntie Lorie's, Addison took to all-fours and began to crawl. Mommy and Daddy didn't get to see the full-out crawl until two days later, when she took four full crawl-strides in the living room. Just two days later, she was crawling - fast - all the way back and forth Grandma G's family room floor.

Addison has also begun pulling herself up to a kneeling postion when holding onto a foot stool or coffee table. Last week she also advanced to pulling herself up to kneeling, then letting go and being able to stay in the kneeling position!

She does not stand alone yet, and has not pulled herself up to standing except when assisted by us. Sometimes when she is in crawling position, she will pull her leg up so that she has a foot flat on the ground. When I watch her crawling and feel how much she still needs my support when she is standing - it seems that her standing and walking is a long ways away. But as babies go, I know she will be standing and walking before I can believe it.


MyMuse said...

oh boy, now you are in trouble! Congrats, she is super adorable and doing awesome!! :)

Miss Organizized said...

Wow, everything is happening so fast!!!! I bet you're SEEMS like she has such a ways to go, but it'll all happen before you know it :) I HOPE SHE SAYS 'KITTY' SOON!!!! When she does, I'm going to pretend she's saying my name ;)

Monica O'Neill said...

We've already done a ton of baby proofing...outlets covered, coffee table cleared, cords tacked down and we've even taken down our CD/DVD shelves. Next is cabinet locks if I can find them! Target doesn't have any and that's the only place I have time to run errands since there is one down the road from my office.

Monica O'Neill said...

Yea, it really is happening so fast!!! But she's really just on an average track. We get so excited and amazed by her abilities, or when she's on the verge of something new but then I think, wait a minute, this is EXACTLY what she's supposed to be doing at this age!
At her Doc appt yesterday, he asked right down a list of things Addison can do - clap, wave, mamamama/dadadadada, crawl - all things we are so impressed with, but it's really just healthy achievements! But no matter what, it's still great fun for us - especially wondering which achievement will come next!

Miss Organizized said...

NOTHING is average in Parenthood :) :) :)

Monica O'Neill said...

Yes, Katie! And I think keeping the mentality that every advancement she does make IS a wonderful event, will train me to be a positive reinforcing and encouraging mother.
My Debbie Downer-ism is not a trait I want to pass along to Addison!

Miss Organizized said...

well Addison can be optimistic but also REALISTIC! Or she can just be a silly soccer clown king!

Monica O'Neill said...

Oh, absolutely. I'm sure she will learn disappointment, and we don't have the means for her to be spoiled and have everything handed to her.
But just so she is confident - not arrogant - and has some humility.
And silliness? yea, that's here to stay!